
A condition is how you create logic and branching in your experience.


A condition that passes only if all of its subconditions pass.

Items[Condition]A list of subconditions, all of which must be true.


A condition that passes if any one of its subconditions pass.

Items[Condition]A list of subconditions, one of which must be true.

Clip answer is

A condition that passes if the response to the clip being answered contains any part of the 'response' parameter.

ResponseTextA simple string to check for within the clip response.

Current role is

A condition that passes if the current player has a specific role.

RoleRoleThe role to check against the current player.


A condition that passes if the subcondition does not pass.

ItemConditionA subcondition, which must be false.

Role in geofence

A condition that passes if a role is within a geofence.

RoleRoleThe role to check.
GeofenceGeofenceThe geofence that a player with this role must be within.

Role page is

A condition that passes if a role is on a specific page.

RoleRoleThe role to check.
PagePageThe page that this role must be on.

Submission contains

A condition that passes if the submission contains any part of the 'part' parameter.

PartTextA text fragment which must be contained by the submission.

Text contains

A condition that passes if the content to the text contains any part of the 'part' parameter.

PartTextA fragment of text to look for in the text response.

Text is affirmative

A condition that passes if the content to the text seems affirmitive (contains 'yes', 'ok', 'sure', etc.

Value comparison

A condition that passes if the first value numerically compares to the second in the specified way.

Variable name or number 1LookupA numeric value to look up and compare against the second.
Comparator<, <=, ==, >= or >The method used to compare the first value to the second.
Variable name or number 2LookupAnother numeric value to look up and compare against the first.

Variable contains

A condition that passes if the search variable value contains the part in the part variable. If 'string_ref' or 'part_ref' are surrounded by double quotes, or are a number, or "true" or "false", then the value in the other reference will be matched to that simple variable rather performing two lookups.

Search variable nameLookupA variable to look up, which should contain text. In cases of a specific string, surround it with double quotes.
Part variable nameLookupA variable to look up which should contain the fragment to check for. In cases of a specific string, surround it with double quotes.

Variable is present

A condition that passes if the variable has any value that is not false.

Variable nameLookupA value to look up and see if it contains any non-false value.

Variables are equal

A condition that passes if the first value matches the second value. If "Value 1" or "Value 2" are surrounded by double quotes, or are a number, or "true" or "false", then the value in the other reference will be matched to that simple value rather performing two lookups.

Variable name 1LookupA value to look up and compare against the second.
Variable name 2LookupAnother value to look up and compare against the first. In cases of a specific string, surround it with double quotes.